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BIOPTRON Hyperlight Optics

Nanophotonic Generator of Hyperpolarized Light Based on C60 Molecule – BIOPTRON Fullerene Filters

The BIOPTRON medical Hyperpolarized light - HPL (harmonized light with perfectly ordered photons) is a unique revolutionary feature in healing light technology, introducing extraordinary molecule: Fullerene C60.

What started as an astrochemistry project with focus on analyzing the makeup of space and celestial bodies in the universe, ended up sparking a major breakthrough in carbon chemistry with the discovery of a third and unprecedented new allotropic form of elemental carbon in nature: the fascinating fullerene C60 arranged in a pattern of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons with the icosahedral symmetry (the other two forms of carbon in nature are graphite and diamond).

This serendipitous discovery of C60 awarded in 1996 with the Nobel Prize in chemistry, triggered a new field of research introducing the world to new symmetric nanomaterials, thus opening an entirely new chapter of nanotechnology and nanomedicine: the studies led scientists and engineers to think of the multiple applications that the C60 could contribute (e.g. new cancer treatments, lightweight batteries, powerful rocket fuels, just to state a few examples).

Hyperlight Optics BIOPTRON MedAll   Hyperlight Optics BIOPTRON Pro1
Code: PAG-960-FFK
Hyperlight Optics BIOPTRON MedAll
  Code: PAG-990-FFK
Hyperlight Optics BIOPTRON Pro1

Inspired by the energetic healing properties of this fullerene molecule and understanding the biology of life, we at Zepter have created and patented a Hyperlight Optics Filter capable of producing totally new revolutionary BIOPTRON hyperpolarized light technology. Our Hyperlight Optics filter acts as a generator which transforms the existing BIOPTRON vertical linearly polarized light into a invented form of ordered structured hyperharmonized light which greatly positively influences our body. The hyperharmonized structured light* interacts with structured matter** that shares the same properties of symmetry: HPL transfers the energetic state of ideal harmony of C60 into the body inducing harmonization and equilibrium in energetically disturbed biological structures; accelerating natural healing and regenerative processes. The often quoted saying that “nature loves symmetry” reaffirms this idea: in nature, the resonance interaction occurs if two entities possess similar symmetries; the more harmonized entity (such as HPL) will prevail and will impose its symmetry on the other entity (bio-structures); restoring the disturbed symmetry properties in biological structures and biomolecules (biomolecules absorb energy that results from the electrical and magnetic characteristics of hyperharmonized photons). In effect, under the influence of BIOPTRON hyperpolarized light, the cell is stimulated to heal itself, regaining its natural equilibrium and it's energetic properties.


Molecule Fullerene C60 /* HPL: perfectelly ordered and harmonized light with structured photons = **structured matter (our body -75 % of biological structures in the human body: biomolecules and biostructures, water chains and clusters, clathrin, microtubules, collagen, centrioles, targets, flagella etc.) also possess HPL type of symmetry.

Energetic properties of harmonized light interacting and harmonizing our biomolecules

(Energetic properties of harmonized light interacting and harmonizing our biomolecules)